Identifying a biometric goes on a gazillion times a day. Only now do we have technology to do the dirty work for us, and make assumptions based more on fact than objective human opinions.
But anytime someone identifies a person by looking at particular characteristics of theirs, that's using a biometric. Even though there is no database for any biometric system to compare victims of the Tsunami to, there is still biometric identification going on.
They are narrowing down identification of the bodies by determining foreigners from natives by measuring the length of bones, facial bone structure, and patterns of hair growth.
Sometimes you just have to take a step back and take 'biometrics' for what it really is: A measurable, physical characteristic or personal behavioral trait used to recognize the identity, or verify the claimed identity, of an enrollee.
In this case, let's just say they are an 'enrollee' of the human race. Good luck to those doctors, they have a long arduous task ahead of them.
Thais to restart identifying tsunami victims.