I haven't posted about any events in a while, so here goes.
The Biometric Consortium Conference is about to round the corner again. Here's a snipet:
The September 2004 Biometric Consortium Conference will address the latest trends in biometrics research, development, testing and application of biometric technologies.Event info.
It also plans to address the important role that biometrics can play in the identification and verification of individuals in this age of heightened security and privacy by examining biometric-based solutions for homeland security (airport security, travel documents, visas, border control, prevention of ID theft) as well as the utilization of biometrics in other applications such as point of sale and large-scale enterprise network environments. A special Research Session will include presentation of academic research and a Poster Session.
This conference is co-sponsored by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST); the National Security Agency (NSA); the National Biometric Security Project (NBSP); the DoD Biometrics Management Office (BMO); The National Institute of Justice (NIJ); the West Virginia Development Office (WVDO); the General Services Administration (GSA) Office of Electronic Government and Technology, Office of Governmentwide Policy and the National Science Foundation (NSF).